Overcoming the Analysis Paralysis

Perhaps one of the most sought-after qualities that recruiters look for in a candidate is good decision-making skills. In business, decisions can make or break a project. And those in positions of power in the company often have to make crucial decisions on a daily basis. This is why it is a skill that almost… Continue reading Overcoming the Analysis Paralysis

The Power of thinking BIG

Looking back on my childhood, it’s easy to see how even from a young age I always knew that I could eventually access absolute greatness… I came from a rather modest background, painting garages as my first job. But the truth is that I aspired to become a successful business owner, and in a few… Continue reading The Power of thinking BIG

What being “too busy” taught me about family

Looking back on my childhood, I was raised in a small town that only had school up to the 8th grade. This meant that I never went to high school or even college. Bear in mind, however, that I was an ambitious young boy who was determined to be successful. And when you don’t have… Continue reading What being “too busy” taught me about family

6 Ways to Be Consistent

Do you remember the scene from the 2010 movie Karate Kid where Jackie Chan makes his student do the same “Jacket on, jacket off” move for months? Well, this kind of training is called Blocked Practice in martial arts where a move is practised repeatedly in order for it to commit to muscle memory. Many… Continue reading 6 Ways to Be Consistent

Don’t Let Age Define You

Most people give up on their dreams before they even reach the age of 40. Now imagine those who are 50, 60, or more – they begin to think that they have nothing ahead of them, no potential to tap into and no breakthroughs to experience. This sets off years of living on autopilot, without… Continue reading Don’t Let Age Define You