Why You Keep Going Back to Your Old Habits

As you may know, I am a Success Coach.   But before that, I was (and still am) an entrepreneur who had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way.   I understand the frustration that many of my clients have when they keep going back to their old way of life. No matter… Continue reading Why You Keep Going Back to Your Old Habits

Book Recommendation: You Can’t Send a Duck to Eagle School

Throughout my years as a Business Leader and Success Coach, I have read many books on becoming a better leader. One of which is a book by Mac Anderson, which I believe is greatly undervalued as its insights are outstanding. You Can’t Send a Duck to Eagle School: And Other Simple Truths of Leadership is… Continue reading Book Recommendation: You Can’t Send a Duck to Eagle School

Being Real or Being Right? Lessons on Leadership

When people are in a position of authority, it’s easy for them to be swayed by their egos. Their decision-making then becomes colored with the objective of being right rather than being real. They want to be perceived as someone who is intelligent and capable, and this kills authenticity.   Brad Lomenick in his book… Continue reading Being Real or Being Right? Lessons on Leadership

What’s EQ and Why is it Important for Leaders?

It’s very likely that you have heard of IQ. That is your Intelligence Quotient. But have you heard of EQ? It means your Emotional Quotient- or the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions and the emotions of those around you. Although a good EQ is very important for each of us, there is… Continue reading What’s EQ and Why is it Important for Leaders?

Lessons from Steve Jobs’ Leadership

We all may have differing opinions about the products that Apple launches every year, but what is undeniably agreed upon, almost universally, is that Steve Jobs is one of the best entrepreneurial minds to have existed. Long ago I read a book by Jay Elliot, author and former Senior VP of Apple, called The Steve… Continue reading Lessons from Steve Jobs’ Leadership

The Constant Fear of Losing Someone You Love

Do you often lose sleep over the thought that your partner may be cheating on you, even though there is no solid evidence stating that they might be? Or do you fear that they might leave you for someone better? Jealousy and insecurity are quite common in many relationships and they are both okay to… Continue reading The Constant Fear of Losing Someone You Love

What Most Wealthy People Possess

If you ask me what is the number one key to achieving success, I’d say it’s knowledge. Knowledge can be of two types – general or specialized. You could know something about everything or everything about something – to put it simply. In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talks about how general knowledge is… Continue reading What Most Wealthy People Possess

Break Through Your Terror Barrier by Doing This

We all have a comfort zone, a place where we feel in control. Some try to escape it while most stay there because it’s “good enough”. The thing about being in the comfort zone is that there’s only so much you can learn whilst staying there. Eventually, you’ll reach saturation and want to grow. But… Continue reading Break Through Your Terror Barrier by Doing This

Why Self-Awareness is The First Step to Success

I have a question for you: What made you choose your current job? Did you choose your current career path because someone told you that it pays well? Was this decision based on the fact that you needed money? Or did you go after what you wanted only to end up feeling unhappy? A lot… Continue reading Why Self-Awareness is The First Step to Success

How Your Personality Affects Your Goals

Have you ever wondered why you and your sibling who grew up in almost the same environment, have such different goals in life? What makes each one of us choose a particular kind of goal for ourselves? Although there are several factors that affect our goal-setting, an important one that we don’t discuss much is… Continue reading How Your Personality Affects Your Goals