
When people are in a position of authority, it’s easy for them to be swayed by their egos. Their decision-making then becomes colored with the objective of being right rather than being real. They want to be perceived as someone who is intelligent and capable, and this kills authenticity.


Brad Lomenick in his book H3 Leadership: Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle says, “People would rather follow a leader who is always real versus a leader who is always right. Don’t try to be a perfect leader; just work on being an authentic one.”


It’s easy to confuse the two. We think that people might respect us more if we are the all-knowing, perfect leader who is always sorted and correct. But what people actually appreciate is someone authentic, because authenticity builds trust and credibility is a mark of a good leader.


How can you be an “authentic” leader?

1.Let go of the need to be right all the time: Acknowledge what you don’t know and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. People will respect you far more for being humble than being pseudo-intelligent.

2. Know your strengths and weaknesses: To know if you are being authentic, you need to know who you are. Dedicate time to self-introspection and figure out what you do best and where you lack.

3. Be open about your challenges: Talking about your vulnerabilities allows people to connect to you on a deeper level, and displays your courage. Having a wall built up around you to appear perfect is only going to push people away.

4. Live by your values: Do you know your values? The core principles by which you live? Being clear about them and keeping them in mind when you make decisions shows that you are a consistent person with integrity.

Being an authentic leader will also lift a lot of weight from your shoulders. You will no longer need to put up a mask where you are seen as perfect, you can just be the real you – with absolute freedom and confidence.