To better understand what I am going to talk about ahead, make sure to read my previous blog (Are Your Decisions Fear-Based? Find Out.) to find out if you are making a fear-based decision.


I recently talked about the story of Kathy, a bright, young woman who did not believe that she could find anyone to love her. She, therefore, stayed in an unfulfilling relationship.

Many people make decisions based on the fear that something might go wrong if they do what they truly want. This is primarily because of two reasons.

One, they do not believe in their own ability to overcome a challenge that may arise due to the decision they just made.

Two, they do not realize that they could have boundless abundance in their lives.

A prosperity mindset means that you understand that there is enough for us all. When you make decisions based on fear, you are worried that you may not have the same level of satisfaction later. But the truth is that everything that you desire is indeed possible for you. The Universe wants to give you an abundant life, but you have to take the first step of making a decision.

When you make decisions with a prosperity mindset, you aren’t afraid of the unknown. You embrace the change and have faith that you have all the strength you need to overcome challenges. Letting go becomes easy when you understand that you are bringing in abundance by removing whatever doesn’t serve you. You are creating space in your life for what you truly desire.

Fear-based decisions will have you feeling stuck and helpless. So, avoid it by choosing to make decisions out of love.

What is it that will truly make you happy? Go towards it and trust that the Universe will align everything in your favor. Instead of hiding behind fear, run towards love, and you will continually attract more and more.

Kathy turned her life around when she realized her life could be abundant. She knew she did not have to settle for less. Her decision to leave the problematic relationship opened a new door of possibility because she found the kind of guy that truly made her happy.

I want each of you to let go of your fears and make decisions that you know will genuinely make you happy. Don’t be afraid of asking for more, because more is possible for you.